Treating Your Feet with Laser
Laser Therapy in podiatry is fast becoming one of the most sought after and effective treatments for conditions of the feet. And with good reason. Laser therapy is safe, simple and non-invasive meaning that you’ll be up and walking as normal, immediately after treatment.
Conditions treated with Laser Therapy:
At Cutting Edge Podiatry we utilise laser therapy for 3 types of treatments:
Nail Fungus
Verrucaes – viral lesions such as warts
HPLT or High Level Laser Therapy for lower limb pathologies including neuroma, plantar fasciitis and achilles tendonitis
How does Laser Therapy work?
When it comes to nail fungus, laser therapy directs thermal energy into the nail bed and fungus which denatures the fungus’ enzyme and prevents it from surviving and replicating. It’s a great alternative to treating nail fungus with topical ointments or oral medications and has a very high success rate.
For warts and other viral lesions, we use pulsed laser radiation which targets the blood vessels that feed the wart. Once blood supply is inhibited, your wart will simply dry out. What’s more, there’s little chance of it recurring and there's no scarring so you’ll be ready to show off your feet and walk in comfort once again.
As the name suggests, High Level Laser Therapy (HLLT) is a little more involved. It stimulates Photo-Chemical Actions which help cells increase DNA production and improves overall cellular health and energy. This helps reduce pain and inflammation, stimulates nerve regeneration, relaxes muscles and stimulates the immune system response.
Does Laser Therapy hurt?
While everyone is different, laser therapy generally causes minimal discomfort. The area may feel warm and some patients describe the sensation as similar to a rubber band being snapped on their skin. The laser starts at a low level and by the time it’s increased, you’ll be reasonably desensitised. There’s also no recovery time needed afterwards, so you can continue your day without interruption.
Choosing your Laser Therapist
At Cutting Edge Podiatry, we have extensive experience with Laser Therapy. Podiatrist Andrew Myles worked as a consultant for MD Solutions, who are the distributors for the A.R.C Diode Fox Laser which we use. He was also heavily involved in creating new protocols for use. As a result, we use laser in a different way to most other practices and this has led to higher success rates. Our patients travel from throughout Sydney’s Northern Suburbs and the broader Sydney metropolitan region, to receive our quality laser therapy treatments.
To see if laser therapy is right for your foot condition, arrange a consultation. We’ll be happy to assess you and determine if laser therapy is your best course of action. Book online or call 02 9875 3065.
For further reading and videos about our laser please click here