Summer Ready Feet

Summer Is here, so if you haven’t thought about it already, now is the perfect time to prepare your feet to step into the summer weather. Follow these tips from our podiatrists here at Cutting Edge Podiatry to help you feel confident in showing off your feet by the poolside. 


With the warmer weather comes the traditional Australian shoe strike and the customary sandal only days. Despite the urge to ditch your enclosed shoes for your airy cooling sandals you may want to give a thought about your soon to be stressed out feet. Whilst airing out your feet is recommended by our podiatrists’ supportive shoes are still necessary for your everyday functioning. 

The best tip is to remain in your supportive shoes for most of your day. If you feel the need to wear sandals to stay cool, then try limit this to small time frames. For even better performance, try finding a sandal that has a thick sole and is arched as it will provide better foot support compared to most other sandals or thongs which are flat and thin.


Summer heat and enclosed shoes can equal damp sweaty feet. Microorganisms such as bacteria and fungus thrive in these conditions, therefore it is vital to have a good foot hygiene routine to avoid nasties like athlete’s foot (Tinea) and onychomycosis (nail fungus). Fungal skin infections can commonly be mistaken as dry, cracked, itchy or raw skin, whilst fungal nail infections can appear with white superficial stains, deep yellow patches or have soft chalk consistencies. Treatments vary but the key is early detection and treatment to help your skin and nails recover. Contact your podiatrist as soon as possible to get expert advice on diagnosis and treatment.


The Australian sun is harsh and unforgiving so protecting your skin with sunscreen is vital. Many people forget about their feet when applying sun cream, and with a high incidence of undetected skin cancers forming in areas of your feet, it is vital to include them in your sun care routine. When applying sunscreen make sure you go over your nails as well as the tops, sides, bottoms and heels of your feet.


Summer, for a lot of us, means dry cracked and dehydrated skin on our feet. Small cracks are not serious and can be alleviated with regular emollient. However large fissures which reach multiple skin depths can carry the risk of pain and infection. Regular emollient with a high urea content can help successfully manage these large cracks, however prevention and seeing your podiatrist regularly is key.